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Don't wait to register for the

2024 Pack To The Future Auction!

May 4, 2024


Shoreline Community College, Student Union Building (9000)


Each year this event brings staff, parents, family members, alumni, and friends together to celebrate and support a decades-old tradition of community-centered public education at Cascade K-8.


5:00pm - Doors Open

6:15pm - First Silent Auction Ends

6:45pm - Second Silent Auction Closing Ends

7:00pm - Dinner, Dessert Dash, Raffle and exciting Live Auction.


Our annual auction is the biggest PTSA fundraiser of the year and it allows us to support the students, teachers, and community at our wonderful school. Thank you for your ongoing support!


Childcare Is Available

Childcare will be available for ages 4+ (if potty confident) at the Cascade K-8 building from 4-10:30 and will include dinner.  A limited number of spots are available. Please register for childcare on this website on the next page.

If you have any questions, please contact our auction committee at auction@cascadek8ptsa.org